Monday, July 9, 2007

Are you on the waiting list?

Have you seen Ravelry yet? It's still in beta testing, but check out the screen shots. It looks to be quite addicting, and I'm patiently waiting for my invite to arrive. If you haven't put your name on the list - you might want too!


Dani said...

I am and I can't wait. I think I've been waiting for about 6 weeks. It really looks awesome.

Steff said...

I am now- that looks cool. I love all the organizing pages. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I can't wait to have an invite!

Gina said...

Yes ma'am--been waiting for about the same time as Dani. I can't wait for that one.

Elisa said...

I'm in...I got my invite last week. It's fabulous you guys! I love the Ravelry.

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

I got my invite today! Elisa - how can I find you? I'm mimosa.